ALEXIS PP RF Drakkar Alexis PP RF
HB-Nr. 509801
US ID HOFRA007654100244
aAa: 213
Beta casein: -
index: gen.US 04.2024
Polled status: PP
Drakkar Alexis PP RF
Drakkar Alexis PP RF
x VG-86 Pledge
x VG-87 Powerball
x VG-87 Ladd P Red
x VG-86 Niagra
x GP StolJoc
x VG 87 O-Man
x VG 87 Addison
x VG 89 Jabot
x VG 87 Nehls Chief Crusader
x VG 88 Sheik
x VG Gardenia
DKR Alexis PP RF is a homozygous polled sire that goes back to the Skalsumer Pietjes family, which is very successful in the Netherlands and has brought many bulls into AI use (including SunnyBoy with over 1.5 million sold portions). In addition to being polled, Alexis convinces with a good production with positive components and with his excellent conformation, with the inheritance of firm, high attached udders as well as good feet and legs and body inheritance with wide, slightly sloping rumps and a little more angle in the hind legs.
Total indexTPI 2441
ProductionNM$ 33780%
Fat %+0,02
Fat yield+37
Protein %+0,03
Protein yield+32
SCSSomatic cell score3
PLProductive Life+1,00
DPRDaughter Pregnancy Rate-0,70
SCESire calving ease2,7%
DCEDaughter calving ease2,1%
Health Index-2,9
Disp. Abomasum-0,4
Ret. Placenta-0,3
ExterieurPTAT 1.94
DCDairy Character1.06
BCBody Composite0.28
F&LFeet & Legs0.55
Dairy charactertight rib1.71open rib
Body depthshallow0.73deep
Rump anglehigh pins0.28sloped
Thurl widthnarrow1.03wide
Rear legs side viewposty1.68sickled
Foot angleflat0.48steep
Rear legs rear viewhocked in0.42parallel
Rear udder heightdeep1.75high
Udder cleftweak1.47strong
Front teat placementwide0.62close
Rear teat placementwide0.91close
Fore udder attachmentloose2.17strong
Udder depthdeep3.08high
Teat lengthshort0.32long
3GM: Gazelle 55 VG-86
 3GM: Gazelle 55 VG-86